Thursday (March 26), I was in Little Rock at the Fletcher Library and attended the meeting of the Newton Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans. I gave a presentation on the drummer boy, and also "If My People" on the similarities between the Revolution and the War Between the States. My appreciation goes out to the commander Corey Dunn (far left) and all the gentlemen of the camp for their Southern hospitality.
Meanwhile, I am finished writing the sequel to The Orphan and the Beaten Drum. Now, it will go into the editing/proofing stage. Hopefully, I will have it out this summer, so be looking for that. I'm also excited about making a video on "how to make a drum" to load to my blog. Make sure you view that when it comes out.
See you in Northwest Arkansas on the 22nd!
Hey Bryce! This is haley millsap! Were you are going to speak up here? Is there an reenactment or are you just coming to visit the Holts? Is anyone else in your family coming with you? Thanks! :)
Hello Haley,
Good to hear from you. I am going to speak at Mrs. Holt's Women's Republican meeting on April 22 (11:30am) and at Fayetteville Christian School on April 23 (11:30am). I'm probably going to get an event at Hasting's Book Store in Springdale, as well. There's no re-enactment in the area, but yes, we are going to visit the Holts. Dad, Mom, and the little ones plan on coming. We would love to see your family while we are in Northwest Arkansas. Hope you all are doing well, and I'd love to talk with you all. The line's open at 870-378-3494. Ha, ha.
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